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Automatic aerocrete production conveyor line ASM-40СS

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Mechanical slitting unit 1
Pusher control panel 2
Mold sides (2,4×0,6×0,3 m for 12 gas-concrete blocks (set) 12
Penetrometer 1
Transfer cart 2
Transfer rail track 12
Mold bases (2,4×0,6×0,6 m for 24 gas-concrete blocks) with the metal bottom 34
Transportation system (rail tracks, support racks, cross-bars) (long meter) 36
Sieve for pouring mixture into the mold 1
Skip hoist of 300 kg with the weighing terminal 1
Scraper blade for cutting the top crust 1
Suspension mixer 1
Смеситель-активатор (0,43 м³) 1
Electrical-mechanical pusher 2
Cutting guide with a kit of saws, for 12 blocks 1


The required number of staff от 6 People
Necessary water temperature 50-60 C⁰
Power consumption 8,5 kWh
Necessary room temperature от 15 C⁰
Required space 23х8х4 m

Mechanical slitting unit

1 pc.

The mechanical slitting unit for gas-concrete blocks ASM-RM3 (АСМ-РМ3) is a string slitting unit. The unit cuts the gas-concrete mass into gas-concrete blocks of necessary size. Slitting is implemented when the mass is not completely hardened — in 60-120 min after being poured into molds. The block sizes can be instantly changed by changing the distance between the strings.

Pusher control panel

2 pc.

The pusher control panel provides for smooth operation of the electrical-mechanical pusher and its correct working algorithm. 

Mold sides (2,4×0,6×0,3 m for 12 gas-concrete blocks (set)

12 pc.

The sides of the slip mold at the conveyor are made with high-precision laser slitting and provide for specific impermeability when assembled.  With this set of sides, the mold can get ready for filling in 2-3  minutes after the finished products are removed from the mold base. The set provides for filling 12 blocks of standard dimensions 20х30х60 cm.


1 pc.

The penetrometer (plastomer) defines the plastic strength of the gas-concrete mass and if it is ready for slitting. Its basic principle lies in the property of the concrete mixture to withstand the cone penetration.

Transfer cart

2 pc.

The transfer cart of the conveyor removes the mold bases between the two parallel railways.

Transfer rail track

12 pc.

The system of mold transfer within the conveyor consists mostly of major rail tracks and rail tracks for transfer carts. As a rule, they start assembling the line with this part.

Mold bases (2,4×0,6×0,6 m for 24 gas-concrete blocks) with the metal bottom

34 pc.

Mobile mold bases of the conveyor provide for a highly practical mode of production since the major hubs are located stationary: the mixing unit, the slitting unit or the warming chamber.

Transportation system (rail tracks, support racks, cross-bars) (long meter)

36 pc.

The transportation system consists mostly of major rail tracks and rail tracks for transfer carts. As a rule, they start assembling the line with this part. 

Sieve for pouring mixture into the mold

1 pc.

The sieve is applied to prevent the grease on the sides from being washed off at pouring the gas concrete mixture into the mold. It also prevents coarse fractions contained in sand from getting into the mold

Skip hoist of 300 kg with the weighing terminal

1 pc.

The skip hoist weighs cement and fillers, lifts them high and loads them into the mixer-activator to produce gas-concrete.

Scraper blade for cutting the top crust

1 pc.

The scraper blade makes the top of the blocks more even and better-looking for the customer. It cuts the top crust neatly and the workroom will be clean.

Suspension mixer

1 pc.

The suspension mixer is necessary to prepare the gasifier which is usually aluminum powder. It is attached to the support rack of the block of dosing units or the skip hoist.

Смеситель-активатор (0,43 м³)

1 pc.

Смеситель предназначен для приготовления газобетонной смеси плотностью 400-800 кг/м3 из цемента, песка, воды и химических компонентов с последующей заливкой в формы для изготовления блоков. Загрузка компонентов смеси осуществляется через горловины загрузки, люк для загрузки химической смеси и горловины под подачу воды. Далее компоненты перемешиваются с помощью быстровращающегося вала с активатором в баке смесителя. Вращение вала осуществляется электродвигателем. Пройдя цикл перемешивания, смесь сливается в формы через выгрузочный шланг.

Electrical-mechanical pusher

2 pc.

The electrical-mechanical pusher smoothly moves the molds in the conveyor. Smooth moving is its key feature as it provides for following the requirements of the technological regulations when producing non-autoclave gas-concrete.

Cutting guide with a kit of saws, for 12 blocks

1 pc.

The pattern with saws is intended to cut the gas-concrete mass into separate blocks. The standard interval for cutting the mass accounts for 100 mm, therefore it is possible to make standard blocks of 200*300*600 mm or special size to meet the customers’ needs. The gang of saws contains the blade for cutting the mass into blocks and the string to cut the top crust.


A conveyor type aerocrete production plant with capacity for 40 m³ per day. The plant consists of a stationary mixer, movable moulds on the rails with manual mechanical pushers, and a template for manual cutting of aerocrete bricks.

This is a semi-manual conveyor plant that can be upgraded to the semi-automatic plant ASM-40CS or the fully-automatic plant ASM-40CA.

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№1 среди производителей оборудования

по объему реализованных линий по производству неавтоклавного газобетона в период с 2014 по 2018 гг. на территории РФ.

На основании маркетингового исследования ООО "Ника"