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Belt conveyor, equipped with the chevron band 3000 mm

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Conveyor length 3 m
Maximum tilt angle 35 ⁰
Mains voltage 380 V
Productivity during the continuous work, up to 20 t/h
Belt speed 0,58  m/s
Conveyor belt width 400 mm


The band conveyor is a conveyor 3000 mm long, equipped with the chevron band. It is employed to transport bulk cargo and construction materials via horizontal, slanting and combined routes. Its reliable panel construction provides for low energy consumption, thus leading to efficient work and productivity of technological processes.

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№1 среди производителей оборудования

по объему реализованных линий по производству неавтоклавного газобетона в период с 2014 по 2018 гг. на территории РФ.

На основании маркетингового исследования ООО "Ника"