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Gas concrete production technology from “AltaiStroyMash”

The plant started production when the technology was invented. And now it is easy to purchase together with the equipment. To start with, here are the benefits of our technology above similar ones:

  • the production pays off fast, between two weeks and several months;
  • it produces gas concrete of highest quality due to All-Union State Standard (GOST);
  • it provides the best result at minimal resources — even without hardening agents and fiber.

Technology as an action plan

For each line, there is a description of the operation order and following it is a component of the high-quality production. It is simple to follow as it looks like a plan:

  • prepare the molds — assembling and greasing;
  • prepare mixtures from the components;
  • pour the mixture into molds;
  • cut the hardened mass;
  • heat up the blocks;
  • break up the mass into blocks and pack the latter — wrap into polyethylene.

When buying the line you get detailed instructions for each stage and put them into practice as it is more important than any advice.

Read about peculiarities of working with each line in the following sections:

  • mini-lines;
  • stationary equipment;
  • conveyor production.

The lines differ in productivity and automation, thus there is a separate technology for each line. We also manufacture customized lines to meet the needs of the client. The site does not provide the samples, however you must know that we take orders for customized equipment. In such cases, the technology is made up especially for the customized line.

The main benefit of “AltaiStroyMash” technology is simplicity.

A technology is considered to be perfect when you can explain it even to a kid. Now you may see that gas concrete production with the equipment form “AltaiStroyMash” is actually a simple process.

The customers can assemble the lines themselves and launch the production. Besides pictures and video-guides, each client has a personal technologist. He controls the launch, answers questions and as required he sets up the production personally.

Please read about minimal requirements for production. Maybe everything is ready for production?

Read about Production Requirements

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№1 среди производителей оборудования

по объему реализованных линий по производству неавтоклавного газобетона в период с 2014 по 2018 гг. на территории РФ.

На основании маркетингового исследования ООО "Ника"